Y1 - Miss Veney 2024 - 2025
Miss Veney
Hello and welcome to Year One. I am Miss Veney the class teacher in Year One, alongside Mrs Woledge who will support our class throughout the week.
I am very excited to be your class teacher and can't wait for the year ahead! I have taught at Northway since completing my teacher training in 2015. I trained with the North West SCITT (School centred Initial Teacher Training) specialising in Early Years education. I am extremely passionate about young children’s education believing that the right start to school life is an integral part of a successful learning journey. I strive to embed a love of learning and believe this will encourage children to become happy learners. In our classroom each child is encouraged to learn at their own pace. They will always be supported, valued, nurtured and listened to.
We will always be here to help you and make sure you love all the experiences in our class. We really want you to be a success and we will always believe in you!
X - (Twitter)
Please visit our X (twitter) page @northwaymaghull to see what we have been up to. This is updated on a regular basis.
This half term, PE lessons will usually take place on a Wednesday but please make sure your PE kit is in school at the beginning of every half term and stays in school.
All pieces of clothing, including school uniform and shoes must be named. Please ensure earrings are removed or covered with plasters on the P.E. day, staff are not permitted to do this for the children.
Food and drink
Every child should have a water bottle that they can access at any time during the day. This bottle should be in addition to a lunch time drink, if they are on packed lunches.
Your child may bring a nut free healthy snack for morning play. Please ensure that the snack is in their book bag so that they do not have to find it in their lunch bags.
Healthy snack
- Fruit
- Bread/toast
Infants also have access to fruit provided by the school.
We have children with anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition that is caused by a severe allergic reaction to nuts. We ask you to help us protect these children by sending snacks for your child that do not contain nuts. Thank you for your cooperation with this; it is very much appreciated by the families of the children.
A phonetically decodable reading book and a library book are sent home on a weekly basis. Please record when you have read the school decodable reading book at home. A minimum of three times per week is expected. Children can also access books on the online platform Active Learn. This also provides access to spelling games to support their development.
Inside your child's home reading diary is the username and password for them to access the resources below. These are useful sites for completing Maths and English activities.
All children have access to:
Doodle Maths https://teachers.doodlelearning.com/login
Bug Club: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
Contacting the Class Teacher
Please contact the school office via telephone or email and they will pass the message on to the class teacher.
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